If you suffer from teeth yellowing which is caused by smoking or excessive consumption of drinks and foods that cause this, or you suffer from uneven appearance of the teeth, then veneers are one of the solutions to these problems .
Veneers are a type of fixture that is used for cosmetic purposes. It’s crusts are made of porcelain or resin, bonded to the front of the teeth giving a natural white color and distance to the teeth and to restore the healthy teeth appearance. Veneers are bonded also if youa are facing discoloration, cracks And fractures, and also if there are spaces between your teeth.
Veneers are bonded by first removing a simple layer of tooth enamel that is equal to the size of the veneers, so that the teeth are not prominent and their thickness remains as normal, after that the teeth are cleaned and polished to make the surface more rough to stick the veneers on.
The doctor’s instructions must be followed, and it must also be noted that it is difficult to remove it after it’s bonded already, so the type and color of the veneers must be chosen carefully, and the oral and dental care must be maintained generally .